Normal moves
1 i12 h +6/-2
1,1 h,m +4/-14, FC NC, KND on CH
1,2 h,h KND/-2 NCc
2 i11 h +9/+1
2,1 h,m +2/-3 NC
2,1,2 h,m,m JGL/-12
2,1,1+2 h,m,h,h,h,h KND/-4
2,3 h,m +5/-13
1+2 m,m i15 JGL/-13 homing
3+4 or ws 3+4 Gamma Howl
absorb an attack to activate Gamma Charge (always active in heat)
1+4,1 m i17 KND/+21 (guarded stagger)
1+4,1* unblockable if charged at least to two
hcf alterantive input for 1+4 with 5 more damage, can somehow be charged but i dont get it
1+4,df1 m i21 JGL/-17
1+4:df1 just frame version for more damage, causes instant T! however
f1 i14 m +5/-6
f1,1 m,h KND/-7 NC
f1,2 m,h +5/-6 NC and jails
f1,2,1 m,h,m JGL/-12 instant T!
f1,2,2 m,h,m KND/+6 NOT NC
f1,2,2* charged up causes wall crush
f2 i10 high +5/-12 KND on CH with guaranteed followups (10frame punish potential?)
f3 i15 m +5/-9 (seems good at the wall)
f3~d Gamma Howl
f3,2 or ws3,2 m,h KND/-9 NC safe W!
f3,1+2 or w3,1+2 m,m KND/-11 FC, NCc
f4~1 i65 h unblockable with followups
f4~1,2 m KND/+8 (why???)
f1+2 i27 m,m powercrush KND/-12
f3+4 i22 m +9 FC/-11
f3+4~d Gamma Howl
df1 i14 m +3/-4
df1,1 m,m KND/-11 NCc launches if CH (df1),1 delayable
df1,2 m,h -1/-12 NCc
df1,2,1 m,h,h -2/-10 NC after df1,2 else NCc
df1,2,1,2 m,h,h,h KND/-18 NC after df1,2 else NCc
df2 i15 m JGL/-14
df2,1 m,h JGL/-32
df2,1* m,h JGL/-46
df2,1~d Gamma Howl
df3 i16 m +2/-9
df3,2 m,h KND/-9 W!
df4 i15 m +5/-9 on CH FC +14 safe poke but bit slow?
df3+4 i13 m KND/-23 W! quick whiff punish, good at wall? terrible if it gets blocked
df1+3 slow ass move that is s.mid from far range, throw on close range and leaves you on the floor
df1+3,1+2 unescapable tackle
df1+4 i34 low KND/-37 homing
or hcdf1 to powerup (i29)
df2+3 i22 m KND/-9 W!
or hcdf2 to powerup
d1+2 i27 m JGL/-18 high crush
d3+4 Sit Down stance
db1 i13 low +1/-12
db1,1 -1/-12 NC followups dont hit due to pushback but nice at the wall
db1,1,1 -1/-12 NC
db1,1,1,2 l,l,l,m KND/-11 W! db1s cannot be blocked but if they still try they will get caught by this and W!
db2 i22 low +3/-18 KND on CH and high crush - seems good against jab abusers
db2* KND/-33 chip damage on block, increases range, some pushback
db3 i21 -9/-20
db3,4 -9/-16
db3,4,3 all very minus on hit and block
db3,4, ... ,1+2 HIGH KND/+14 W! (can this be interrupted?)
db3,4, ... ,d1+2 throws crouching opponents, unbreakable
db4 i16 low -2/-13 recovers crouching!
db1+2 i18 l.l KND/-70 CARE if used from too far (second hit whiffs) its -63
b1 i20 m +8/-11
b1,2 m,m KND/-14, NC launches if CH (b1),2 and absurd range (whiff punish?)